Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 292

March 25th, 2011 

Today we enJOYed having friends over that we don't see very often. The Kenners - Kallie, Jaron, Kelsie and Karlie. 

Day 291

March 24th, 2011 

Today we went to OMSI.  It was sooooooooo crouded because it's spring break.  We enJOYed it anyway.

Day 290

March 23rd, 2011 

Today we went on a walk.  We found this neat little park in the neighborhood so we decided to explore. We enJOYed being in the forest in the neighborhood.

Day 289

March 22nd, 2011 

We slept in till 10:00 and loved it!  I thought we should take a walk, the kids thought we should go to the park.  The kids won.  We went to Ibach park where the kids enJOYed playing in the sand and climbing dinosaur ribs.

Day 288

March 21st, 2011 

For family home evening tonight we ate cookies and watched movies.  The kids enJOYed a change of pace for our FHE. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 287

March 20th, 2011 

We were dying to get out of town and our plans to go to Washington to be with Paul for the week fell through )o=, so we had a back up, Grandma and Grandpa Grahams. We always enJOY being there.  They have the most comfortable beds.

Day 286

March 19th, 2011 

I've wanted something above these french doors for quite some time now.  I made this and Paul put it up for me today.  I'll enJOY having it there as a reminder as to how to behave toward others; with kindness always.

Day 285

March 18th, 2011 

Jadon enJOY's taking baths so much he took 2 tonight, the first one in his birthday suit and the 2nd one in his pajamas. 

Day 284

March 17th, 2011 

For scripture reading in the morning I'm now having Jenea and Jaren take turns looking up the scripture so they can learn how to do it.  We find JOY in God's word (o= 

Day 283

March 16th, 2011 

Yesterday was Grandma Alaska's birthday.  I wonder if we should call her Grandma JOY?  It is her middle name. Anyway, she called this evening to let us know she's coming town to stay with us for about a month while she gets dental work done.  The kids were soooooooo excited to talk to her on the phone they had to take turns though.  See Jude's little hand in the corner of the picture?  He talked to Grandma too, though he was hard to understand. 

Day 282

March 15th, 2011 

A friend stopped by today with flowers to bring me JOY because she knows the trial our family is going through and how draining it is. 

Day 281

March 14th, 2011 

Today is Paul and my 15th wedding anniversary.  Jolie thinks it's a nice day to enJOY a book in the window. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 280

March 13th, 2011 

David got a toy helicopter from Jennifer for Valentines-day and he enJOYs sharing it with the children. It is fun to watch.

Day 279

March 12th, 2011 

Men and their tools.  Jaren is enJOYing having time alone with daddy to work on his pinewood car for scouts.  Today they designed the car and cut it out. 

Day 278

March 11th, 2011 

Yesterday was Uncle David's birthday.  The kids thought it would be fun to decorate his door.  When Grandma Tuttle came to watch them the kids did.  They were full of JOYful anticipation when David would see the suprise they had made for him. 

Day 277

March 10th, 2011 

I finally gave in and brought Jadon to Lucinda's to get his first hair cut.  Grandma Graham will be overJOYed because she has been bugging me about his ling hair for quite some time.  He did a fantastic job, got right up in her chair and let her cut his hair.  No more curls, he does look awfully cute and much better now. 

Day 276

March 9th, 2011 

I took the kids to my favorite thrift store, Deseret Industries today.  I found this cute wall hanging I want to make for my family so I asked Jaren to hold it so I could take a picture. While Jaren, Jadon and I walked around the other children enJOYed playing in the toy section of the store.

Day 275

March 8th, 2011 

Jude was in time out to calm down and Jadon decided to join them.  I came in to check on Jude and found the boys enJOYing one anothers company. 

Day 274

March 7th, 2011 

Jadon loves getting into things.  This morning he enJOYed stuffing crackers down the vent.  Now he and Jaren are cleaning the vent out. 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 273

March 6th, 2011 

Jenea is thrilled because she gets to see the American Girl doll Grandma Graham bought for her which she will receive when she has mastered multiplication.Jenea will be overJOYed to receive Kanani.

Day 272

March 5th, 2011 

The boys are helping me put out the Easter decorations.  They really want to use that carrot bat we have and hit the eggs with it, which they did. Jude enJOY's sitting on the dining room table.

Day 271

March 4th, 2011 

Jolie did not enJOY planting seeds with me; however I know she will enJOY eating what we planted.  We planted cabbage, cauliflower, parsley, mustard lettuce and kale, yum! 

Day 270

March 3rd, 2011


Jadon's thing this week has been playing in the water in the kitchen sink.  Of course Jude sees Jadon doing it so he wants to do the same thing.  Children find great JOY in doing simple things. 

Day 269

March 2nd, 2011


The boys are helping me make taco soup for dinner.  Jude enJOYed pouring the ingredients in the pot and Jadon enJOYed stirring. 

Day 268

March 1st, 2011


Today was a great day for a mud bath.  Jadon especially had fun as he's now at the age where he can be outside in the back and enJOY spending lots of time exploring and creating, where as last year at this time he couldn't walk.