Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 195

December 18th, 2010

This morning we had our ward Christmas breakfast.  We all enJOYed having a variety of foods to pick from for breakfast.  The 3 older kids visited Santa Clause.  After the party Jaren (age 8) told me how excited he was that Santa was coming to our house and leaving him the legos he wants.  I've always told my kids Santa is just pretend, I guess they forget. 

Day 194

December 17th, 2010

Christmas is fast approaching so I decided at the last minute to get the kids dressed up in their Christmas clothes and grab a snapshot for the Christmas cards.  You can see how overJOYed the kids are to be getting their pictures taken. 

Day 193

December 16th, 2010

This is John holding Jadon.  John is a very kind man who made me feel very welcome when I first joined the Clackamas Stepping Stones Toastmaster Club.  Jadon really likes him.  Tonight I hosted the Toastmaster Christmas Party at my house.  The kids enJOYed having company and the excitement that goes with it.

Day 192

December 15th, 2010

This evening we burned books - accidentally.  Jadon threw a book in the fireplace and I threw waste paper on it with out realizing a book was in there.  Poor Winnie-The-Pooh.  Once the fire was going it was too late. JOY is we have lots more books so we'll be okay with out this one.

Day 191

December 14th, 2010

For about 1 year I have been wanting an area rug for the family room to tie things together.  Recently I remembered I already had one so I went to the storage unit and dug it out.  They boys enJOY dancing, flipping and running on the rug before I put the furniture back into place. 

Day 190

December 13th 2010


Today we had flying monkeys in the living room.  This one got stuck so high I had to stand on a chair and get a pole to get him down.  It was Jude, he JOYfully threw the monkey around.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 189

December 12th 2010

Jadon is now officially a nursery boy now that he is 18 months old; which means he has the option of going to nursery instead of being with me in class during church. Today we went to Grandma Tuttle's ward because Grandma was made Relief Society President.  Jadon surprised me by going to nursery in her ward.  I missed him so much!  He's growing up so fast.  JOY is watching my children grow up and being able to be their mother.

Day 188

December 11th 2010


This morning we got up and went to the movies with Grandma and Grandpa Graham.  We watched Tangled.  This was Jaren, Jolie, Jude and Jadon's first movie in a theater.  We all very much enJOYed ourselves.

Day 187

December 10th 2010


Paul got home tonight from Washington and Jadon ran to the door, jumped in his arms and would not let go while Paul unpacked his truck.  JOY is daddy being at home with us.

Day 186

December 9th 2010


The children are so glad when Grandma Graham comes to watch them while I go to Toastmasters.  They are at the door watching for her. They enJOY her coming because she brings junk food for them to eat for dinner.  Tonight it was tater tots, fish sticks, white bread, pop, apple juice, chips, apples, and donut holes. 

Day 185

December 8th 2010


Jenea made this ginger bread house at her Activity Girls class.  She enJOYed eating it and sharing it with Jolie and Jude.

Day 184

December 7th 2010


JOY is children that enjoy pitching in with keeping the house clean.   

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 183

December 6th 2010


Jolie brings so much JOY into my life.  Tonight I finally finished decorating for Christmas.  Jolie is admiring the many nativity sets I have displayed. 

Day 182

December 5th 2010


It's the Christmas season and I enJOY playing Christmas music on my lap top from the site.  Jadon enJOY's it as well, that's why he's sitting at my computer, to hear better.  

Day 181

December 4th 2010


Today Paul and I hired a babysitter for the 4 older children, loaded up Jadon and went to an all day parenting conference.  We learned from a beautiful, sweet, inspiring lady whom I look up to greatly, Nicholeen Peck, about teaching children self government.  She is living her mission and changing the world for the better.  The information and experiences she shares brings much JOY to families around the world, including mine and I am so grateful!  Her website is     

Day 180

December 3rd 2010


I think Jadon got the wrong idea this week as we read the Story of Liberty and learned about the book burning that took place hundereds of years ago before the advent of the printing press.  JOY is having an abundance of booksd and a baby who pays attention during history lessons.

Day 179

December 2nd 2010


My heart is filled with JOY and pride today.  Jaren earned his Bobcat award.  He belted out the cub scout promise without a hitch infront of the group as well.  "I Jaren promise to do my best, To do my duty to God, and my country.  To help other people, and To obey the law of the pack."

Day 178

December 1st 2010


JOY is good friends (the Bains), a good uncle (David) and a good warm fire.   

Day 177

November 30th 2010


Jolie doesn't like having her hair brushed because it gets ratty.  She finally let me braid it (which is a very rare occurrence) and enJOYed waking up the next day and not having any rats.

Day 176

November 29th 2010


It's the week of the toilets.  Jadon started his JOYous week off by playing in the main bathroom's toilet (taking a whole roll of TP and throwing it in the toilet, and soaking himself with toilet water - I'm not sure what he was doing with the pot in there).  Over the course of the week he hit the laundry room bathroom (filling the toilet with TP, breaking up little pieces of TP and trailing them through the family room), the kids bathroom downstairs (clogging it with TP, throwing in a few bath toys and flushing it) and the master bath (throwing his toothbrush in it, and playing in the toilet water).  Thank goodness he choose not to play in the two toddler toilets. Jadon reminded me this week of baby Daffy Duck
 Baby Daffy icon Water Go Down the Hole Image

Day 175

November 28th 2010


JOY is the knowledge that eventhough my husband is leaving for the week he'll be back on Friday.  One day we'll all be up in Washington State with him and can be together again as a family.  

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 174

November 27th 2010


Jaren loves playing chess.  He'll play with anyone who is willing.  Tonight grandma Graham was willing.  She won even though she hasn't played in decades.  Jaren enJOYed playing anyway. 

Day 173

November 26th 2010


The boys begged me to allow them to play with play dough.  I gave in.  Jadon sure enJOYed his first time playing with it.  Good thing it's non toxic and easily washes out of clothing and hair.

Day 172

November 25th 2010


Happy Thanksgiving!  This evening we had dinner at grandma and grandpa Tuttle's home with Angie, Ryan and cousin Preston.  It was a small group this year.  We enJOY hanging out at the Tuttle's.  The kids watched 3 movies tonight - yikes!