Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 266

February 27th, 2011


Story time before nap and before daddy goes back to Washington.  Notice the sticker on Jude's shirt?  We so much enJOY having daddy home and miss him when he's gone.

Day 265

February 26th, 2011


Saturday is a special day, it's the day we get ready for Sunday.  Today to get ready for Sunday we cleaned the house.  The kids enJOYed watching daddy change the belt and filter on the hand vac.

Day 264

February 25th, 2011


This morning was exciting because the mail lady rang our door bell and delivered us a package from Grandma Alaska.  The kids enJOYed opening it, unwrapping the tissue and discovering Magic Tree House and Berenstein Bear books!!!!!!

Day 263

February 24th, 2011


The kids were so excited because it snowed this morning.  They wasted no time going out on the deck to enJOY it.  Brrrrrr.

Day 262

February 23rd, 2011


This picture was taken last week and I didn't post it so I thought I would now.  Jaren got to go to Independence, OR on a field trip and visit a man's hanger.  This man builds air planes, model and life size that actually fly.  Jaren enJOYed himself sooooooo much!

Day 261

February 22nd, 2011


Jaren discovered a new JOY in life, math.  He and Jenea enJOY working on it together.  Jenea is excited to learn because when she has multiplication down she'll get an American Girl doll as a reward from Grandma Graham.

Day 260

February 21st, 2011


Mmmmmm we love being a part of gleaners.  Here is some of the yummy food we got today, Bobs Red Mill Muesli, bananas, and avocados.  We will so much enJOY eating this!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 259

February 20th, 2011


Mmmmmm paradise.  No, I'm not there today, I just wish I was with the challenges we have been having lately.  Jenea took this one on her camera back in October.  I enJOY being able to mentally escape.

Day 258

February 19th, 2011


Another picture from Jenea's camera.  Jolie and Jenea enJOY spending hours in their room with their toys making set-ups.  This is one of them. 

Day 257

February 18th, 2011


JOY is knowing people care about you.  As we've been experiencing this trial people from church have brought us meals.  This one was brought to us today by Paul's home teaching companion, who we still don't know yet.  His wife sure can cook, fantastic food!

Day 256

February 17th, 2011


I tried out Jude's camera to see if it would be a good substitute for mine that is still drying out from being in the toilet.  Jude's camera works pretty well.  Here are the little boys who enJOY standing at the island keeping me company when I'm cooking.  

Day 255

February 16th, 2011


Okay, so my pictures are off.  Not having my own camera has really thrown me off.  I'll continue to use Jenea's camera each day till I get another one of my own.  This is Jenea and Jolie on Friday the 18th.  Paul came home and the kids decided they would have a sleep over in our bedroom.  They enJOY being upstairs with us. 

Day 254

February 15th, 2011


Jaren enJOY's doing math and is pretty good at it.  So good he helps Jenea with hers. 

Day 253

February 14th, 2011


Jenea made me this valentine.  She enJOY's drawing and spends hours doing so. 

Day 252

February 13th, 2011


Jenea took this picture of Jaren's roller coaster he built out of K Nex.  For several days Jaren enJOYed building this, then he got tired of it and took it down.   

Day 251

February 12th, 2011


These are two young ladies Jenea enJOY's attending Patriot Girls with, Anna and Lily.  Of course, Jenea doesn't attend her class on Saturday, but being that the camera went in the toilet this is the picture we have that Jenea took a while ago with her camera.  

Day 250

February 11th, 2011


JOY is piles of frozen fruit from the dollar store to make lots of yummy smoothies! 

Day 249

February 10th, 2011


Jaren drew this picture of our former cat (my sister and her husband adopted him so he could stay at our old house) and had a lesson on taking care of animals in his scout class today. Jaren enJOY's attending scouts.

Day 248

February 9th, 2011


Another older picture taken with one of the kids cameras.  One of Jaren's most enJOYable past times is putting puzzles together.

Day 247

February 8th, 2011


Jenea took this picture, she enJOYs reading Magic Tree House Books so much!  She has about 40 of them and I find them all over the house. 

Day 246

February 7th, 2011


Jenea took a picture of our deck furniture.  The deck is a place we enJOY spending lots of time on.   

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 245

February 6th, 2011


Jadon helped himself into Grandma and Grandpa Tuttle's bed to watch How to Train Your Dragon, Jarens favorite movie!  Jadon enJOYed it! 

Day 244

February 5th, 2011


My mom invited Robyn Openshaw ( here from Utah to give classes on green smoothies.  I went to the Sandy event with a friend of mine and very much enJOYed it.  Green smoothies are tasty! 

Day 243

February 4th, 2011


The boys enJOYed helping me make pizza for Paul (daddy) tonight.  They especially enJOYed snitching the pepperoni and cheese.     

Day 242

February 3rd, 2011


Today was a another beautiful day!  I got 11 raspberry starts from a friend that I planted today.  We are JOYfully anticipating eating fresh raspberries this summer, yum!